Monday, February 11, 2008

Emotional Extremes

Sometimes you just can't help but believe in the saying that "truth is stranger than fiction."

Imagine for a second if you will............
Your wedding day.

Supposedly one of the happiest days of your life.

Now, imagine if it turned out to be one of the saddest days of your life?
I couldn't even imagine..............

Perhaps somehow there's some poetic beauty in that story.............. but nonetheless, its horribly sad.

"Damn, B.............why the depressing blog today?"
I keep it real, people...............
Life and the world aren't sugar-coated, so neither will my posts be.

Additionally, RIP Roy Scheider..............."You're gonna need a bigger boat"

I won't end on a sad enjoy this:


Unknown said...

I'm truly convinced that you do no work @ work

Anonymous said...

Star and I just died laughing watching that Dominican Thriller video. It depicts perfectly what merengue dances look like