Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Doing Fine in '09

2008 was a year that seemed so much longer than it actually was.

A lot happened.

Engagements, weddings, babies, deaths.........

It was a year of firsts,
a year of accomplishments,
a year of regrets,
and a year of hard work.

As I look back on it, the optimist in me can't help but think it was a positive year.

I wouldn't say I'm lucky, but on the whole, things went well for me.
Although, most people who know me would totally disagree and say that I am indeed lucky.
Oddly enough, when it comes to something totally random like a scratch-off lottery ticket, I tend to win more times than not, while others don't.
Then there's gambling, but my game is blackjack and I think that requires just enough skill to say that you can't entirely rely on luck alone in order to be a winner.

(Then again, I did lose a nice chunk of change on New Years Eve in AC with all the 13s and 14s I was getting, and all the 20s and blackjacks the dealer was getting)

BUT, as this editorial can attest, luck is likely just a state of mind combined with the amount of tension you feel.

For a person like me who is usually mellow, this may just explain it.

I don't have any real resolutions this year - other than to keep up with the fitness regimen I've been on the past few weeks, and to pursue more enriching activities to fill my time with.

Career-wise, it's hard to give up something so stable in times like this, but the thoughts of pursuing something new are there.

Perhaps a Masters degree?
A new line of work?

Can you picture me giving up my high-paying job in S0Ho and becoming a Personal Trainer in San Diego or a Nature Survivalist in Colorado??? (seriously...........can you?)

I, as well as others I'm close to, are beginning to rethink what makes us happy in life - friends, family, career, ambitions, etc., and attempt to move in the direction of a more fulfilling existence.

Some have referred to it as a "quarter-life crisis."
While that does accurately describe it to a degree, it's hard to sum up all the doubts and anxieties in one little stupid catch phrase.

Either way, I look forward to 2009 with the same optimism I brought from 2008, and I wish the best out of life for all those I care for as well as myself.

And of course, it's always necessary to keep one's sense of humor......

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