If someone told you they built a Doomsday Vault, whats the first thing that would come to mind??
My mind conjures up some post-apocalyptic bunker deep underground where the President and all the top government people are hiding until the fall-out clears and the sun is visible again.
ppshh...... stupid me!
Its not for PEOPLE...............its for SEEDS.
Ok I know I'm exaggerating and the seeds are important, but where's the Doomsday Vault to store the history of the world? Where's the Doomsday Vault to store the samples of all the vaccines and cures for disease that man has discovered? How about a Doomsday Vault with human embryos and sperm? I mean we're talking about protecting our survival if the worst should occur, right? After the bombs fall and I have 3rd degree burns and radiation poisoning along with Tetanus and a cold, how much will I be trying to worry about planting seeds to grow crops??
I know someone out there is saying "but you're missing the point"........
OH but I'm NOT!
A quick Googlfication of "doomsday vault vaccine" returns nothing of the vault I speak of.
Therefore, using the power of logic which holds Google as all-knowing ---- it doesn't exist!!!!
This world has some messed up priorities.
To bad I don't rule it...................
Anywayz, special thanks to Spanky for sharing Jimmy Kimmel's hilarious payback video.
This is some FUNNY shit......mostly due to the random cameos of celebrities.
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